First local 4Developers edition – Gdańsk
I’m really happy to be a part of first local 4Developers edition as a speaker 🙂 About half year ago I presented my topic about the Evolution of Architecture at Warsaw edition of this great event (You can read more about this talk here) and received really motivating feedback from audience. Finally I decided to try my chances to join pomeranian edition as well. As you can see with success 🙂

I really like the idea of 4Developers Tech Festival and this interdisciplinary approach to topics selection. Because of that professionals that work in different business environment can exchange experiences and find how much we have in common regardless to used technologies or programming language. It’s pretty similar strategy as I use with my colleagues organizing SpreadIT conference 🙂
Note that there will be another local edition of 4Developers soon! Check it out 🙂 And good luck to organizers!
Orchestrate your choreography!
What my talk will be about? Here’s short note:
When we speak about orchestration we should think of conductor in philharmonic orchestra. Basically His role is to show rhythm to all musicians. In the other hand “Swan Lake” musical don’t need conductor for dancers. They know when its their part, and which steps they need to do. It’s all because of choreography.
You can find a lot of examples which use this two fundamental ways of keeping processes in correct order. You can find them in Event Driven Architecture, Microservices, CQRS, Hexagonal Architecture and so on. In my opinion we should talk about them more- to understand them and use them in correct and proper way.
Sometimes you need to do one step back to be able to do two steps forward. I would like to show you advantages and disadvantages of orchestration and choreography. I would like to show you when to use them and finally – how to do it effectively.
My talk will be held at 2PM on App Arch Track. Full agenda here. Also there is site event on blog if you like to check location here 🙂
If you haven’t bought your ticket yet then go and get it with 15% discount! Use this promo code: software-empathy-15