I’m really happy to be a part of first local 4Developers edition as a speaker 🙂 About half year ago I presented my topic about the Evolution of Architecture at Warsaw edition of this great event (You can read more about this talk here) and received really motivating feedback from audience. Finally I decided to try my chances to join pomeranian edition as well. As you can see with success 🙂
Evolving Architecture, 4Developers 2017, Warsaw, Image from twitter
I really like the idea of 4Developers Tech Festival and this interdisciplinary approach to topics selection. Because of that professionals that work in different business environment can exchange experiences and find how much we have in common regardless to used technologies or programming language. It’s pretty similar strategy as I use with my colleagues organizing SpreadIT conference 🙂
When we speak about orchestration we should think of conductor in philharmonic orchestra. Basically His role is to show rhythm to all musicians. In the other hand “Swan Lake” musical don’t need conductor for dancers. They know when its their part, and which steps they need to do. It’s all because of choreography.
You can find a lot of examples which use this two fundamental ways of keeping processes in correct order. You can find them in Event Driven Architecture, Microservices, CQRS, Hexagonal Architecture and so on. In my opinion we should talk about them more- to understand them and use them in correct and proper way.
Sometimes you need to do one step back to be able to do two steps forward. I would like to show you advantages and disadvantages of orchestration and choreography. I would like to show you when to use them and finally – how to do it effectively.
My talk will be held at 2PM on App Arch Track. Full agenda here. Also there is site event on blog if you like to check location here 🙂
If you haven’t bought your ticket yet then go and get it with 15% discount! Use this promo code:
I would like to propose similar approach, but for production source code. Let’s call it VON (Validation – Operation – Notification).
Validation – all prerequisites which need to be checked or done before you can do particular command. Such as validations, security check rules etc.
Operation – our business command. The heart of the method. We start writing our method because of this. This is our main purpose.
Notification – what happens after successful operation. Often it will be just some return statement, but it could be more. It’s a part of business method that did not exist to do primary operation, but invoke some other command (which very often can be done asynchronously. For example using CompletableFuture).
Depending on step, we should think about errors and problems differently. Lets try to check possible scenarios when we use VON code structure.
Imagine that something happen on validation step – the only thing you have to do is to throw an exception, return specific error message or maybe send error information to some notification queue… You didn’t start any operation- so you have no problem (within this method).
When something happen during operation part- then you have a problem. If your validation was well prepared then any error within this step will be related to technical or network issues (database downtime, no network connection, etc.).
Finally when something happen during notification phase then you should know two things- operation went well, so main purpose of this method was finished without problems. The only problem you have now is that some notification was not published. Question is what can you do about this? Maybe you should not do anything, maybe you should send information to technical error queue that some message was not sent. Maybe just log this situation? It depends.
As you can see separating your method to VON structure helps you identifying error type that can occurred. It’s one of the advantages of this approach.
To “Enter” or not to “Enter”
As you can see in above examples “enter key” change step in VON approach. In general “new line” in source code should inform us about context change. This principle goes well with whole VON approach as every step is different context. We can look at source code and with a single glance focus on most important part for us at the moment. If every team member use the same approach, then source code starts to look more clear and well structured. The faster you can focus on important things, the faster you can solve the problem you are currently working on.
Of course this doesn’t mean that we should create long methods 🙂 Ideally our methods will have 2-3 lines- each line for single step. Then we can omit all enters.
Lets start some cleaning!
Refactor to VON – example
Imagine a method that delete contract from some old system. Contract can be deleted when it’s not started and any of its conditions are not started yet as well (for example, there can be specific condition which will limit that resignation from contract can be made two or more months before contract is started). Delete operation is made using SoftDelete (BTW. I hate soft delete). Of course before we start making any changes we should have proper unit tests!
our contract and any of its conditions can not be started- this is in the code
we don’t have validation that
contractId is null …
we don’t have validation that particular contract exists in repository..
delete all contract conditions
set contract as non active (soft-delete)
save in repository
cancel payment disposition for deleted payment
I would start with preparing above steps. Problematic part is that
deleteAllContractConditionsByContract method is at the same time in validation and in operation phase. Let’s split it to two methods (for now).
Now we need to take a look at the notification part. There are two things possible:
Add a new method to
paymentsService which will cancel payment disposition. Simple and safe operation, however we will still have direct relation between contracts and payments.
Add some queue in the middle between payments and contracts modules/components. We can use queue or just simple implementation of Producer/Consumer pattern. It’s a bit more complicated, but this gives us a more loose connection between the modules.
And basically we can stop now as this finish whole VON approach. Using this approach we did find 2 possible problems with particular method, however- now probably we have redundant checks – in our method we must assert that all contract conditions can be remover, and probably within
contractConditionsService the same check will be made.
Despite this, its look like a good start to further source code refactoring. Finally we can finish with something like this:
This technique nicely apply mostly to more complicated business methods and for legacy code refactor. Its biggest advantage is shown when every team member use this technique for all business operations. Then these methods starts to look consistent and much more straightforward. Also it helps to look at different parts of method differently (for example in case of potential errors that could happen).
Please note that this approach should not be used at every cost. It’s a convention that nicely applies to legacy code methods as in our example, but also to shiny newly created operations.
Have fun and comment below what you think about this approach!